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Experts in PDF and makers of quality, affordable Adobe Acrobat plug-ins and server products

Version 5 available now
Many new features including variable data, split/merge (partials), customize panels, and much more.
Info Try Upgrade
Mac user?
Read this before upgrading to
M1 Mac, Monterey, Big Sur or Catalina.
Version 5 upgrade needed.
Windows 11, Windows 10 and Windows 7 supported. 64-bit Acrobat supported in Quite Imposing Plus 5.2.
M1 native?
Mac, M1 native support in Quite Imposing Plus 5.3.

Our Products

Acrobat Plug-ins Standalone Products
Quite Imposing Plus Quite a Box of Tricks
Quite Revealing
Quite Hot Imposing
Create simple booklets or do complex imposition layouts. Easily find & solve problems in PDF files. Automate workflows outside of Acrobat.