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Quite A Box Of Tricks



Quite A Box Of Tricks: Overview

Latest release 1.8i (Nov 2014)

Quite A Box Of Tricks is a plug-in for Adobe’s Acrobat from Quite Software, for Macintosh (including Mac OS X) and Windows. It is compatible with Acrobat versions 7 through to 11 ("XI").

Extremely easy to use, the features include conversion to CMYK or greyscale, shrinking images to reduce PDF file size, thickening "hairlines", transformations, integrating form fields with documents, all text to black, and detailed info on text and images. In Windows 98/Me/2000/XP and on the Macintosh, ICC profiles can be used for CMYK conversion.

For more information on features, Support or to download a demo, visit the links on the navigation sidebar to the left.

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